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  • 1797

    The Christian missionary mindset is generally depicted as that of simple religious folk with a pure desire to peacefully spread their gospel and message of love. In reality, their methods of propagation are often anything but peaceful and usually leave behind a native population stripped of their culture and often decimated. With Christianity failing in the west, the evangelists seek new and greener fields in the poor and uneducated sections of third world countries, backed by huge coffers from the less zealous, who are nonetheless convinced that to bring civilization and religion to the poor natives is a noble cause, even if they don't want it. (46)

    Missionaries often intermix military campaigns with missionary campaigns in their fervor to "civilize the heathens," who are often simple happy natives, whose only crime is that they are not Christians. This mood of conquering the heathens by any means, at any cost, is supported in the Bible: (46) Christian Hindu Preacher" Thou shalt save alive nothing that breathest. But thou shalt utterly destroy them..." (Deut 20)

    "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me." (Luke 19.27)

    In the words of one resident of Thailand, "They [Christian missionaries] seemed that they did not show any interest for our culture. Why? They are just eager to build big churches in every village. It seems that they are having two faces; under the title of help they suppress us. To the world, they gained their reputations as benefactors of disappearing tribes. They built their reputations on us for many years. The way they behaved with us seemed as if we did not know about god before they arrived here."[1] (86)

    "Why do missionaries think they are the only ones who can perceive God?"

    In fact, most of the civilizations which were overrun by zealous Christians in their conversion fervor, were highly evolved in their moral standards, with complex social structures, high standards of cleanliness and hygiene, decorative art and evolved sciences, and content with their own religion. (46)

    The arrival of Christianity actually caused these civilizations to move backwards. In this regard we need only look to Europe, for the Dark Ages of Europe is a time when the Church was in control. The Age of Enlightenment (Renaissance) began when the common people were freed from the tyranny of the Christian church. (46)

    Temple Destruction Christian missionaries have oppressed many cultures, building churches atop temples, mosques and shrines. For example, the major churches in Rome are built atop pagan temples and many historians say that the Vatican itself is built on the ruins of a Mithra (the Roman Sungod) temple. The major Christian holy days are all taken from the pagan holy days. In fact, it is claimed by many historians and religious scholars that the entirety of Christianity is borrowed from other religions and cultures and is fraudulent — Christ is an amalgamation of a number of personalities existing prior to the [presumed] time of Christ. [ See also: The Borrowing Theory ] (46)

    Because Christians believe that Jesus Christ suffered for the sins of others, they use this belief for their own purposes by "letting Christ suffer while they, the Christians, go on committing sin and crime." That is why the Christians go on slaughtering the Non-Christians, totally worry-free and with a totally clean conscience, because Christ will take care of their sins and crimes, and because they don't have to face the laws of Karma and Re-incarnation or the veritable consequences of these laws. It does not even occur to an average Christian to ask himself/herself a simple question, that if a person commits a murder and he tells the court that his Father will suffer in his place, will the court accept the substitute to suffer the sentence? An average Christian does not even think that if any court accepted this kind of substitution, then the justice system of the world, as we know it, would be totally destroyed and chaos would ensue. (46)

    History is witness to the mass destruction of countless cultures, and the almost complete genocide of entire races at the hands of Christianity. History is now proving that most cultures destroyed by Christianity far outweighed in morals and dignity what they were replaced by. (46)

    Since the effects of much missionary work, the cultural traditions of a people being replaced by some form of Christianity, are intentional, this means by definition (according to the United Nations) that genocide is the missionary profession: converting other peoples to Christianity and thus destroying them as an ethnical group, and denying the right of native peoples to exist as what they are, with their own culture, language, and religion.

    For a variety of reasons a massive depopulation, in other words the death of a large percentage of the native population, follows.[2] (Genocide is defined by the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG) article 2 as any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such: "Killing members of the group; Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; and forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."

    "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide) And this so-called righteous work continues even today around the world in the name of [Christian] humanitarian work. (46) The plain and simple truth is that people never give up their religion, any more than they give up their children or their parents...except when they are pressured with use of force or are offered attractive allurements. The Christian Slogan that "Faith in Jesus is the only way to Salvation," besides being totally false, is also totally ineffective, in gaining converts. Trickery, treachery, bribery, and bayonetry, therefore, has to be used to obtain converts. The Christian Missionaries know this blatant truth and Christianity's brutal and barbaric record of twenty centuries in winning converts, is a testament to the savage methods of Christianity. [3] (87)

    'The Christian resolve to find the world evil and ugly, has made the world evil and ugly.' – Friedrich Nietzsche

    In 1797, the London Missionary Society put its first missionaries on the shores of Tahiti. Fourteen years later they had not made one convert, even though the happy Tahitians provided them with servants galore, built their houses and fed them. Finally the Christians devised an ingenious plan, which 'converted' the entire island in one day. According to a letter written home by brethren J. M. Orsmond, one of their own members, they reduced the local chief, Pomare, to an alcoholic and backed him in a war against other island chiefs, supplying him with firearms, to be used against the other islanders clubs. The understanding was that with his victory all would be forced to convert. Then, a reign of terror followed where non-believers were killed. It was declared illegal by the Christians for anyone to decorate themselves with flowers, to sing (other than hymns), to surf or dance. Within 25 years the native culture of Tahiti and the entire Pacific was extinguished. (42)

    The attempt to make the Tahitians into service growers of sugar cane failed and the good Christian Mr. Orsmond, deciding that "a bountiful nature diminishes men's natural desire to work," had all the breadfruit trees cut down. Such practices, as well as diseases (brought from outside), such as syphilis, tuberculosis and smallpox reduced the original population (estimated by Cook at 200,000) to 6,000 after thirty years of missionary rule. (46)

    Their power base firmly established in Tahiti, the missionaries moved swiftly to the outer islands, using the same techniques. They introduced a local chieftan to the bottle, crowned him king and induced him to carry out the Christian's work of conquering and converting at sword point. (46)