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  • Christian History 1500 to 1599


    16th and 17th century Ireland. English troops "pacified and civilized" Ireland, where only Gaelic "wild Irish", "unreasonable beasts lived without any knowledge of God or good manners, in common of their goods, cattle, women, children and every other thing." One of the more successful soldiers, a certain Humphrey Gilbert, half-brother of Sir Walter Raleigh, ordered that "the heddes of all those (of what sort soever thei were) which were killed in the daie, should be cutte off from their bodies... and should bee laied on the ground by eche side of the waie", which effort to civilize the Irish indeed caused "greate terrour to the people when thei sawe the heddes of their dedde fathers, brothers, children, kinsfolke, and freinds on the grounde". (50) Tens of thousands of Gaelic Irish fell victim to the carnage. [SH99, 225] (45 p. 225)


    On December 12th in Ceske Budejovice, Bohemia, ten Jews were tortured and killed after being accused by a local shepherd of killing a local girl. Years later, on his deathbed, the shepherd confessed he made up the whole story.


    April 19 - 21, LISBON (Portugal) - During a service at St. Dominics Church, some of the people thought they saw a vision on one of the statues. Outside, a newly converted Jew raised doubts about the "miracle". He was literally torn to pieces and then burned. The crowd, led by two Dominican monks, proceded to ransack Jewish houses and kill any Jews they could find. During the next few days countrymen, hearing about the massacre, came to Lisbon to join in. Over two thousands Jews were killed during these three days. [75] (51)


    July 19, BRANDENBURG (Germany) - Jews were accused of desecrating the host and stealing church vessels. Joachim the Elector had thirty-eight Jews burned at the stake in the market place along with the real offender (a Christian). Another two accepted Christianity and were mercifully beheaded. Soon after, all the Jews were expelled from the entire electorate of Brandenburg. All the accused were proved completely innocent at the Diet of Frankfurt in 1539, and those that left were permitted to return. [76] (52)


    June 6, SICILY - The first Auto da Fe was held. Eight former Spanish converts were accused of practicing Judaism and were executed. [76] (52)


    HILDESHEIM (Germany) - After over 60 years of no Jews being allowed to live there, a residence permit was granted to Grosse Michel, known as Jud Michel;. According to legend, he was the illegitimate son of one of the dukes of Regenstein. Michel was a wealthy financier who lived in a high life style and was protected by Joachim II, elector of Brandenburg. When one of the dukes of Regenstein reneged on a loan, he threatened, then burned down his fields. Numerous accusations were brought against him and his wife over the years, including poisoning wells. He died in 1549 from falling down a flight of stairs in peculiar circumstances. [77] (53)


    David Reuveni arrived in Rome claiming to be a representative of the Ten Lost Tribes and requested assistance from Clement VII to fight the Turks. Reuveni was burned at an Auto da Fe in Portugal in 1552 but his effect on his fellow Jews was remarkable. He raised their self-esteem, knowing that somewhere there existed a strong and independent part of Israel.


    MEXICO - The first Auto da Fe took place in the New World. One of its first victims was Hernando Alonso. One of Cortes' conquistadors, he was burned at the stake with another "Judaizer". An official Office of the Inquisition would only be set up in 1571. [77] (53)